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Dear Brothers, Sisters and Friends in Jesus Christ!

We would like to thank all those who have sent us letters or have phoned us giving suggestions, advice and help. Thank you very much for sharing with us the God’s Message and Your personal experience with Him. Let God lead us towards His Glory and Salvation in Jesus Christ. Let God’s Kingdom live in us. Therefore it is our desire to build God’s church based on His people gathered in home churches as the Bible tells us about first churches gathered at homes ( e.g. Romans 16:5 KJV) We are continuing Luther’s and other reformers work which unfortunately was abandoned in future ages. Only later in the beginning of the 20th century it was resumed by the Advent Movement and abandoned again by the official full of compromise with the spiritual Babilon direction of institutional church.

We are living right before Second Jesus Coming. In our service we focus on the practical preparation for this Event and all the events preceding it. We consider Preparation for the acceptance of the seal of God’s Spirit as the most important task in the lives of God’s people at the present times.

When the Sunday Laws have been introduced, either the beginning to prepare or continuing the whole process of preparation will be impossible. It will be simply too late! It is now before the Sunday Laws when God’s people will be sieved and sealed for the task of annunciation of the last warning for the world in order to call the remnant from the fallen Babylon.

We invite each and every willing person to contribute to the creation of the new Movement based on the last awakening whose fruit is to finish the reformation in the last generation.

You can contact us: zborydomowe.chrystianie@gmail.com

Contact in English: Beata Maciejewska, tel. +48 723-807-444, e-mail: beata.chrystianie@gmail.com

May our God lead us and unite us in His Truth and His Love.
We salute you in His peace

Seventh Day Christians
Advent Home Churches


Piotr Paweł Maciejewski
tel. +48 609-981-808

Damian i Maria Michalakowie
tel. +48 609-941-045

Beata Maciejewska
tel. +48 723-807-444





















Darmowy licznik odwiedzin

Great Millennial Week

Anna's prayer


Michal and Vashti

Are you Eli of our times?

Video and audio news
j   Christ's return in 2027 Part 2
Daniel 12
j   Christ's return in 2027 Part 1
Cosmic Week
j   The Feast of Tabernacles 2020
The Seven Thunders from the Book of Revelation
j   The Feast of Tabernacles 2020
The Three Witnesses
j   The Feast of Tabernacles 2020
The Final Testimony
Part 2
j   The Feast of Tabernacles 2020
The Final Testimony
Part 1
j   The Feast of Tabernacles 2020
The Time of Revelation
j   The Feast of Tabernacles 2020
The Anointing
j   The Feast of Tabernacles 2020
The Blessed Hope
j   The Feast of Tabernacles 2020
The Bridegroom Returns - 2027
j   Nader Mansour
A study on the doctrine of the trinity
j   Imad Awde
Trinity Problems
j   Imad Awde
Another Jesus

Editorial staff:

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